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In little time, with our tailored courses, you progress so quickly that you may not need us soon afterwards!

Our individual language courses are designed to offer you a personalized and effective learning experience.

Reserve Your Individual Course Now

Are you tired of wasting precious time, money, and motivation on courses that just don’t deliver?

Klick here to see the Difference Between Our Courses and AI-Based Tools

1: Personalized and Human Teaching
Our qualified teachers adapt to your specific needs, providing personalized feedback and direct interaction for effective learning.

2: Authentic Pronunciation and Accent
Learn with native teachers for correct pronunciation and an authentic accent, far from the limitations of AI-based tools.

3: Cultural Immersion
Explore cultural nuances and contexts with our courses, a dimension missing from AI tools

4: Flexibility and Interaction
Enjoy flexible and rich interaction with your teacher, an experience impossible to replicate with AI tools.

Benefits of individual language courses. Klick!

Video language lessons with your teacher

Additional exercises in your dedicated online class

French, German, Luxembourgish, English.

Experienced native teachers.

Personalized programs.

Regular feedback adapted to your progress

Start your Language Journey Now !


Céline Ferrari

Céline F. comes from France, she is a nurse and she had started to learn Luxembourgish.

At the beginning Céline was of the opinion that she learned Luxembourgish best in a face-to-face course. But as she worked irregularly and had to work a lot of overtime, Céline often could not participate in classes and as a result could no longer keep up and quickly dropped out.

But then I discovered the flexibility of online courses. A missed lesson can easily be caught up by watching the recording. I even participated twice when I was on vacation in the south of France.

Since 2021 I have obtained level B1. With my Luxembourgish skills, I can take care of my patients even better. It is especially older people who feel safer when their nurse speaks to them in Luxembourgish.

Line Bezure

During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Line B. wanted to learn Luxembourgish.

Line lives in Belgium and at that time only spoke French. I am an educator and initially believed that Luxembourgish should be learned in an in-person course.

For this reason, I enrolled in an in-person course in my community and started learning Luxembourgish.

But unfortunately, the course was stopped due to COVID-19 measures. However, I had the opportunity to realize that an online Luxembourgish course can have equal, if not better, quality compared to an in-person course.

For more than two years now, I have reached the A2+/B1 level in Luxembourgish.

The A2+/B1 level has allowed me to obtain a permanent contract (CDI) as an educator in Luxembourg.

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